

author:小编 Time:2021-08-11 23:46

The Geopark's Proterozoic strata are characterized by relatively shallow burial depths, ranging from 1,000 to 3,500 meters. Uncovering strata from the Jurassic period include Dashankou Formation, Zhonggou Formation, Xinhe Formation, and Boluo Formation. The Upper Jurassic formations exhibit fluvial facies, alluvial plain facies, and diluvium facies. The Middle Jurassic is characterized by lacustrine and swamp facies, while the Lower Jurassic features Piedmont continental clastic rock formation alongside intrusive neutral and acidic magmatic rocks.

Due to tectonic movements, the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene strata are absent in the Geopark. The Lower Cretaceous is represented by the lower portion of the Chijinpu Formation, featuring developed conglomerate, sandstone, and argillaceous strata. The bottom of the formation is in fault contact with Jurassic or older strata.The Neogene and Quaternary strata are widely distributed and well-developed. The Neogene conglomerate and argillaceous rocks are predominantly found, exhibiting an angular unconformity contact with the Cretaceous strata. The thickness of the Quaternary deposits varies significantly, controlled by faults. Generally, the uplifted areas of the basin have thinner Quaternary deposits, while thicker deposits are observed in the fault depression areas.


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