
Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark launches a series of activities to promote science in schools

author:小编 Time:2023-04-21 23:21

In order to meet the 54th World Earth Day, do a good job on World Earth Day science popularization activities, April 19, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark "cherish the earth, man and nature in harmony" theme of science popularization activities in Dunhuang art tourism secondary school kicked off.


The event, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark science personnel for the Dunhuang Art Tourism Secondary School more than 200 students and teachers to carry out "cherish the earth, man and nature in harmony" theme science lectures, to introduce the students to the theme of Earth Day activities, the scientific value of geosites and the protection of utilization, show the geopark magnificent geological landscape, rich biodiversity The lecture reminded students to pay attention to climate change, advocate low-carbon green life, and work together to protect the Earth's home. After the lecture, the Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark science research staff presented 120 Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark science books to Dunhuang Art Tourism Middle School, and led all the students and teachers to visit the "Friendly Sister Park Interaction" exhibition.


It is understood that in order to expand the influence of Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark actively joint Guangdong Danxiashan UGGps, Yandangshan UGGps and other 29 geoparks and China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Yifu Museum jointly initiated the 54th World Earth Day "friendly sister park interactive exhibition" activities and the 4th Asia-Pacific Geopark Week publicity. activities. The activities include the promotion of geopark science study courses and routes, the special exhibition of "China's UNESCO Global Geopark Scenic Photography", the World Earth Day science knowledge quiz, the UNESCO Global Geopark Study Passport, the publication of the special issue of "Earth Magazine" and "China's Scenic Spots", and a series of science activities through joint online and offline Through the joint online and offline promotion of many channels, the new media publicity will be more extensive and in-depth, attracting more users to participate in the activities and improving the visibility and influence of the activities.


Next, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark will go into Dunhuang Xiguan Primary School and Dunhuang Fifth Primary School to carry out science lectures and give away science books, sending a science feast to Dunhuang teachers and students.

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