
Announcement of the resumption of study activities in Dunhuang Yardang Geoarea

author:小编 Time:2021-11-23 11:52

Dear Tourists,

Yardang Geoarea will resume its research activities from 24 November 2021 onwards. The geopark will be open from 8:00 to 16:30.

In view of the current epidemic situation, in order to fully implement the national and provincial and municipal latest epidemic prevention and control work spirit and requirements, to ensure that Dunhuang Yadan Geopark science research epidemic prevention and control measures in place to effectively control and reduce the risk of epidemic transmission, safeguard and create a safe and comfortable study environment, we would like to make the following tips to you:

First, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Gansu Province, the Department of Culture and Tourism on the prevention and control of epidemic at tourist attractions and "limited, reservation, staggered peaks" and other related requirements, from now on, Yardang Geopark implementation of 75% of the limited flow and time booking work.

Second, the implementation of real-name system time reservation. Study personnel can through the "Dunhuang Yardang National Geopark" WeChat public number or "tour Dunhuang" platform for real-name reservation to purchase tickets, after the reservation is successful with ID card, face verification in the reservation time to check the tickets into the geopark.

Third, please enter the park researchers wear masks throughout, maintain a social distance of more than 1 metre, take the initiative to cooperate with the park staff to complete the temperature test, real-name registration, check the "health code" and "trip code" and other work, queuing up in an orderly manner to enter the park. In the course of the activity, you should consciously do not pile up, do not gather, travel in a civilised manner, and travel in a healthy manner.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, if you have any questions, please call the park advisory phone 0937-8841885.

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