
Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring Ticket Information

author:小编 Time:2020-07-14 23:34

Dunhuang according to "Dunhuang City Development and Reform Bureau on the forwarding of [Jiuquan City Development and Reform Commission on Dunhuang Mingsha Mountain Crescent Springs scenic area ticket price approval] notice" (Dun hair change price [2018] No. 232) requirements, will be Mingsha Mountain Crescent Springs scenic area ticket price adjustments, will now be informed of the relevant matters as follows:

       1, mingsha mountain crescent springs scenic area ticket implementation of off-peak season price, peak season 110 yuan / person / time, off-season 55 yuan / person / time.

       2, the scenic area will be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, province and city, children, minors, students, the elderly, the disabled, active military personnel and other categories of groups continue to implement preferential ticket prices.

       3, the new ticket price from 1 October 2018 onwards.


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