- Comfortably stroke one's face2022-07-14
The bride's family sent the bride to eat a kind of pasta on the night of the wedding, commonly known as "broad hearted noodles", anciently known as "Suo cake". Dunhuang people&...
MORE+ - Hand-rolled noodles2022-07-14
Hand-rolled noodles are the main pasta dish of the Dunhuang people, along with "lazhouzi". Hand-rolled noodles must be fine and strong, and the noodles must be cut in a well-proportioned man...
MORE+ - Western-style pancakes2022-07-14
The earliest appearance in the enlightenment textbooks of Dunhuang in the Tang Dynasty suggests that the people of Dunhuang consumed pancakes at a very early age. The origin of the pancake is relative...
MORE+ - Hot oil cake2022-07-14
According to Dunhuang Mogao Cave Document P.2040, it was called "water cake" in the Tang and Fifth Dynasties. The "hot" noodles were rolled out thinly, sprinkled with ground soya b...