  • Liguang apricots
    Liguang apricots2022-07-15

    Liguang apricots are the king of Dunhuang's fruits and are harvested in July every year. Liguang apricots are famous for their glossy yellow color and sweet honey-like juice. About the origin of L...

  • Dunhuang Luqua
    Dunhuang Luqua2022-07-15

    The first time I went to Dunhuang, I didn't eat Dunhuang melon, but it's a big pity. In ancient times, the area around Dunhuang produced a lot of beautiful melons, so there is a "melon st...

  • Li Guang peach
    Li Guang peach2022-07-15

    Li Guang peach is also known as purple peach. Gansu Province for the rare and unique varieties. So the peach color purple red with green, was rouge color and named.This peach ripe in August, to the sh...

  • dogbane (Apocynum venetum)
    dogbane (Apocynum venetum)2022-07-15

    Dunhuang Luobu Ma Comprehensive Development Center selected Dunhuang Luobu Po area of the West Lake Wetland wild 5-8 years in the small-flowered red linen in the Luobu Ma, picking May-August growth of...

  • Ming Shan Jujube
    Ming Shan Jujube2022-07-15

    The sixth of the Eight Monsters of Dunhuang, Mingshan Jujubes are famous for their large size, sweet flavor and rich nutrition. Each fresh jujube weight up to 45 grams, ripe appearance bright red thro...


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