
Birthday of the Buddha

author:小编 Time:2020-07-14 21:49

Lunar April 8 is the Buddha Shakyamuni birthday, Mogao Grottoes held a grand Bathing Buddha Festival Temple Fair. From the first day of April, men and women one after another on the mountain, to the Mogao Grottoes, to the eighth most people to reach a climax. Incense tourists hustle and bustle, came to the front of the Buddha incense offerings, kowtow to return the wish, meditation in the heart of the prayers, praying for the Buddha to bless the peace and good luck. Vendors in the woods set up a mat in the shed, shouting and selling a variety of snacks, folk artists gathered in the shade, next to the creek, playing the three strings, pulling the erhu, singing Dunhuang songs, lively and extraordinary.


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