
Yumen Pass Sites Protection and Management Measures

author:小编 Time:2015-07-12 00:20

(People's Government of Jiuquan City 22 December 2020)

 Article 1 In order to strengthen the protection and management of the world cultural heritage site of Yumen Pass, according to the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics", "Gansu Provincial Regulations on the Protection of Cultural Relics" and other laws and regulations, combined with the actual protection of the site of Yumen Pass, the development of this approach.

  Article 2 The objects of the protection of Yumen Pass Ruins include:

  (a) the Yumen Pass and the Great Wall beacon flint sites within the scope of protection (including the big square disc city, small square disc city);

  (b) Other cultural relics that constitute the whole Yumen Pass site;

  (iii) Underground cultural relics within the scope of protection;

  (D) constitute the Yumen Pass site as a whole of the historical landscape and natural environment;

  (E) by the Dunhuang Museum or Yumen Pass cultural relics management institutions and other cultural relics protection institutions with historical, artistic and scientific value of cultural relics collections and other important information.

  Article 3 The protection scope of the Yumen Pass ruins is: 500 metres along the remains of the Great Wall of Han.

  Article 4 The construction control zone of the Yumen Pass site is as follows: north to the north bank of the Shule River, east to the east 500 metres north-south extension of the West Pier of Dongzhihuzi, south to the south-east extension of the Yumen Pass Toll Station, and west to the west 1,000 metres north-south extension of the Hinming Flint.

  Article 5 The protection of cultural relics, production and life, visits, business services or other activities within the protection range and construction control zone of the Yumen Pass Ruins shall comply with these Measures.

  Article 6 The protection and management of the Yumen Pass Ruins shall adhere to the guidelines of protection as the mainstay, salvage as the first, rational utilisation and strengthening of management, so as to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the Yumen Pass Ruins and its historical features and natural environment.

  Capital construction, tourism and other activities within the protection scope and construction control zone of the Yumen Pass Ruins shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics, and shall fulfil the relevant approval procedures, and shall not cause any damage to the cultural relics and their environment.

  Article 7 The protection, management and use of the Yumen Pass site shall be incorporated into the national economic and social development planning of Jiuquan City, Dunhuang City, as well as territorial spatial planning.

  Dunhuang Municipal People's Government shall, in accordance with the requirements of the overall plan for the protection of the Yumen Pass Ruins, organise the preparation of a detailed plan for the protection of the Yumen Pass Ruins, and organise the implementation of the plan in accordance with the statutory procedures for approval.

  Yumen Pass site protection, management and use of various types of special planning, should be in line with the overall plan for the protection of the Yumen Pass site; special planning and boundaries and functional areas shall not be changed at will; need to change, after publicity, should be agreed by the Yumen Pass site of cultural relics protection management institutions and reported to the original approval authority for approval.

  Article 8 Jiuquan City Cultural Relics Administration is responsible for the protection of the Yumen Pass site, management guidance and supervision.

  Dunhuang city cultural relics administrative department is the Yumen Pass site protection, management work of the administrative department.

  Yumen Pass cultural relics management organisation is specifically responsible for the protection and management of the Yumen Pass site.

  Dunhuang city public security, housing and urban-rural construction, transport, water, civil affairs, editorial office, human resources and social security, natural resources, forestry and grassland, market supervision and management, ecological environment, meteorology and other administrative departments and the people's government of Dunhuang Yangguan Town, according to the law in their respective areas of responsibility to do a good job in the protection and management of the Yumen Pass site.

  Article 9 Jiuquan Municipal People's Government, Dunhuang Municipal People's Government shall include the Yumen Pass site protection funds into the annual budget of this level of finance. According to cultural relics rescue, repair, monitoring, protection and security facilities need to allocate special funds.

  Encourage citizens, legal persons and other organisations through donations and other forms, multi-channel fund-raising Yumen Pass site protection and management funds.

  For the protection of the Yumen Pass site, management funds and maintenance, construction funds, as well as business income, social donations, sponsorship of property, shall be managed according to law, earmarked for the exclusive use of any unit or individual shall not encroach on, misappropriation.

  Article 10 Dunhuang Municipal People's Government shall encourage social forces to participate in the protection of the Yumen Pass site, support the development of domestic and international cooperation and exchanges, and take effective measures to encourage and support the Yumen Pass cultural relics management institutions to develop cultural tourism and other undertakings, and to promote the healthy development of the cause of cultural relics protection and utilisation.

  Article 11 The administrative department of cultural relics of Dunhuang City and the cultural relics management institution of Yumen Pass shall take effective measures to collect the cultural relics dispersed in the society in accordance with law, and encourage and support domestic and foreign units and individuals to assist in collecting the cultural relics of the Yumen Pass site that have been dispersed.

    Article 12 The unified management regulations for the protection scope and construction control zone of Yumen Pass Ruins:

  (I) The archaeological excavation, protection works, construction works and other projects within the protection scope and construction control zones must comply with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics and other relevant laws and regulations, and go through the approval procedures in accordance with the statutory procedures;

  (ii) No facilities that may endanger the site body and its environment shall be built within the protection scope and construction control zone, and no activities that may affect the safety, integrity and authenticity of the site body and its environment shall be carried out. The existing facilities affecting the value carrier of the site and its environment shall be managed or removed within a limited period of time;

  (3) The protection scope and construction control zone shall strictly maintain the features of topography and geomorphology, and all activities such as mining and quarrying that cause damage to topography and geomorphology shall be prohibited.

  (4) the scope of protection and construction control zone and Gansu Dunhuang West Lake National Nature Reserve overlap the scope of the simultaneous implementation of cultural relics protection laws and regulations and nature reserve management laws and regulations.

  Article 13 The management regulations of the protection scope of Yumen Pass Ruins:

  (a) within this scope shall not carry out any other construction works or blasting, drilling, excavation and other operations unrelated to the protection of cultural relics and site display;

  (ii) The protection and display facilities projects involving the Yumen Pass Ruins within this scope must, under the premise of fully safeguarding the safety of the Ruins, go through the corresponding approval procedures in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics;

  (c) No self-driving or hiking tours or other activities that may affect the integrity and authenticity of the heritage value carriers of the Yumen Pass Ruins shall be carried out within this scope;

  (4) The image of the protection project within this scope shall be in line with the value connotation of the heritage and the characteristics of the historical environment.

  Article 14 Management regulations within the construction control zone of Yumen Pass Ruins:

  (I) The land within the construction control zone shall not be used as urban or rural construction land;

  (ii) Various kinds of construction or activities that affect the natural geomorphological features and landscape environment shall not be carried out within the construction control zone;

  (III) The construction control zone is a restricted construction area, and if engineering construction, blasting, drilling, excavation and other operations are required due to special circumstances, the engineering design scheme shall be reported to the department of natural resources for approval according to the level of the cultural relics protection unit and with the consent of the corresponding administrative department of cultural relics and the image of the construction project shall be in line with the spatial place of the heritage and the characteristics of the historical environment.

  Article 15 The administrative department of cultural relics of Dunhuang City shall establish and improve safety measures and systems, formulate emergency plans for the safety of the site, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, be equipped with facilities to prevent flooding, burglary, and natural damages, ensure the safety of the site, protect its historical features and natural environment from damage, adopt advanced science and technology, and strengthen the research and application of cultural relics protection technology of the site of Yumenguan.

  Article 16 The cultural relics management institution of Yumen Pass shall, according to the needs of cultural relics protection, scientifically approve and control the capacity of tourists to ensure the safety of cultural relics and tourists.

  Article 17 The cultural relics administration department of Dunhuang City shall strengthen the salvage protection of cultural relics, in accordance with the principle of not changing the original state of cultural relics, timely restoration, repair and maintenance of cultural relics, before restoration and repair of cultural relics, shall be in accordance with the law to deal with the approval procedures, the design, construction and supervision of the unit must have the appropriate qualification certificate of cultural relics protection project.

  Article 18 Yumen Pass site of cultural relics and protection of the land within the scope of the land shall not be transferred, mortgaged, or grant, rent, let, and shall not be operated as a business asset, and shall not be used for activities not conducive to the protection of cultural relics.

  Article 19 The Yumen Pass cultural relics management organisation shall establish a record file of cultural relics. Any newly discovered cultural relics within the protection scope and construction control zone of the Yumen Pass site shall be protected in situ, and the excavated cultural relics shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Article 34 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics, and the in and out of the museum's cultural relics to be extracted, used, transferred, exchanged, borrowed and exhibited to the outside world shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. Laws and regulations for the corresponding procedures.

  Article 20 The Yumen Pass cultural relics management institutions of the site of excavated cultural relics and scientific and technological research results of protection, as well as by the information provided by the production of publications, audio and video products, etc., enjoy the intellectual property rights provided for by laws and regulations.

  Article 21 The units and individuals producing publications, films, TV dramas, professional videos and professional photography that need to film the cultural relics of the Yumen Pass site shall obtain the prior consent of the administrative department of cultural relics of Dunhuang City, sign an agreement on cultural relics safety and take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of the site, and filming shall be carried out under the supervision of the staff of the cultural relics management institution of the Yumen Pass site.

    Article 22 If there is a need to reproduce the unearthed cultural relics at the Yumen Pass site due to special circumstances, it shall be approved by the relevant administrative departments of cultural relics according to the level of the relics and supervised by the Yumen Pass cultural relics management agency.

  Article 23 Units and individuals applying to engage in business activities within the construction control zone of the Yumen Pass Ruins shall, after obtaining the prior consent of the administrative departments of cultural relics, go to the relevant departments of the Dunhuang Municipal Government to apply for the relevant formalities and operate in the designated places.

  Article 24 The cultural relics management agency of Yumen Pass shall actively carry out the interpretation, display and dissemination of the historical, artistic and scientific values of the Yumen Pass Ruins, enhance the public's knowledge and understanding of the value of cultural heritage, and increase the public's respect for and awareness of the protection of cultural heritage.

  Article 25 Units and individuals with one of the following deeds shall be honoured and rewarded:

  (1) Those who conscientiously implement the laws and regulations on the protection of cultural relics and make remarkable achievements in protecting the Yumen Pass site;

  (2) for the protection of the Yumen Pass ruins and illegal and criminal acts to fight resolutely;

  (3) donating the cultural relics related to the Yumen Pass Ruins in one's personal collection to the state or making donations for the protection of the Yumen Pass Ruins;

  (4) the discovery of the Yumen Pass site of cultural relics timely report or hand over, so that cultural relics are effectively protected;

  (5) in the Yumen Pass site archaeological excavations made significant contributions;

  (6) in the Yumen Pass site protection of science and technology with important inventions or other important contributions;

  (7) When the Yumen Pass site is in danger of destruction, the rescue of cultural relics is meritorious;

  (8) long-term engaged in the protection and management of the Yumen Pass site, made remarkable achievements.

  Article 26 Anyone who engages in illegal activities within the protection scope and construction control zone of the Yumen Pass Ruins shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics and other laws and regulations; and if it constitutes a criminal offence, he shall be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations.

  Article 27 These Measures shall be valid for five years and shall come into force on the date of promulgation, and the Measures for the Protection and Management of the Yumen Pass Ruins published by the Office of the People's Government of Jiuquan Municipality (Jiuzhi Zhengban Fa 〔2013〕 No. 177) on 15 July 2013 shall be repealed at the same time.

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