
Interim Measures for the Protection and Management of Yardang Landforms

author:小编 Time:2015-09-12 00:30

(Dunhuang Municipal People's Government 14 December 2000  ) 

      In order to better protect, develop and utilise the natural landscape of Yardang landforms, and to meet the needs of the development of tourism in the city, these measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Land Management Law of the People's Republic of China and the Interim Regulations on the Management of Scenic Spots.

       Article 1 Where in the Yardang landform natural scenic area for protection, development, construction and excursion, tourism services and other activities of the unit or individual, must comply with these measures.

       Article 2 These Measures shall be implemented by the Development and Protection Management Office of Yadan Landscape Natural Scenic Area (hereinafter referred to as the Management Office). Management Office is entrusted by the municipal government to exercise the protection of Yadan landforms, management, monitoring functions as one of the management bodies, under the leadership of the Municipal Tourism Economic Development Zone Management Committee.

       Article 3 The main responsibilities of the Yardang Geomorphological Scenic Area Management Office are:

      (a) the implementation of national and local promulgation of the protection of natural scenic spots, the development of laws, regulations, systems and scenic area management policies.

      (B) according to the principle of unified planning, development and construction, is responsible for the development of the overall planning, implementation of programmes and preferential policies for investment, reported to the municipal government agreed to implement.

      (C) do a good job of external publicity, investment promotion work, make full use of all effective forms, accelerate the packaging and promotion.

      (D) multi-channel funding, protection, development and construction of Yadan landform natural resources.

      (E) monitoring, correcting and dealing with units and individuals in the scenic area of various types of buildings, public facilities, public morals, professional ethics, environmental health and other violations.

       Article 4 The Yardang Landscape Scenic Area must be strictly protected, without permission, prohibit any form of change in the natural landforms and the surrounding environment of the activities, and effectively maintain the original natural features.

       Article 5 Where in the scenic area for all kinds of buildings and tourist outlets construction, must adapt to the requirements of the environmental landscape, strictly in accordance with the Yardang Geomorphological Scenic Area overall planning for the construction of the scenic area, and the natural landscape and the surrounding environment in harmony.

       Article 6 Anyone engaged in the development, construction and tourism service activities in the scenic area must obtain the business licence issued by the management office, and the management office will unify the arrangement of the business premises and the scope of activities, and collect the management fee.

       Article 7 without the permission of the management office, any unit or individual shall not build houses in the scenic area, drilling wells for water, collecting sand and gravel, excavation of minerals, driving vehicles, cutting grass and grazing, littering, climbing wall touch, hunting and exploring. Indeed need to explore the scenic area to investigate and carry out other activities of the personnel, subject to the approval of the management office before entering.

       Article 8 Non-tourism and tourism vehicles, to stay away from the scenic area, according to the route determined by the management office.

       Article 9 All Chinese and foreign guests visiting the Yadan Landscape Scenic Spot shall purchase tickets and enter the area with the tickets, and visit the scenic spot in accordance with the stipulated routes.

       Article 10 It is strictly prohibited to carry shotguns and inflammable and explosive substances into the scenic area. Strictly prohibited in the scenic area to engage in feudal superstition, drunkenness and other activities. Not allowed to throw debris in the scenic area (such as bottles, melon peels, kernels, wrappers, etc.) to pollute the environment.

       Article 11 Where the Yadan landform sightseeing vehicles and aircraft, to be uniformly parked in the car parks and aprons, unified management by the management office, and charge a certain amount of parking, parking fees.

       Article 12 The Yadan Landscape Scenic Area shall do a good job of civilised tour publicity and education, and shall formulate tour notes to guide the tourists to observe order, care for resources, pay attention to hygiene, and in particular, shall strengthen the security and safety management work to ensure the safety of national property and tourists.

       Article 13 Anyone who commits any of the following acts shall be given the following penalties by the management office depending on the circumstances:

       1. Those who damage the order of tour and safety system, set up stalls, obstruct traffic, damage public facilities and do not listen to persuasion, shall be given a warning, ordered to compensate for economic losses, and fined more than 100 yuan and less than 5000 yuan.

       2, on the destruction of topography and geomorphology, drilling wells for water, indiscriminate construction, collection of sand and gravel, damage to ecology, climbing wall touching, carving and scratching, arbitrary nailing, painting, etc., resulting in damage to the landscape or the loss of the original scientific ornamental value, to stop destructive activities, and restored to its original state within a period of time. And may impose a fine of 500 yuan or more, 5000 yuan or less; can not restore the original state of the fine of 5000 yuan or more, 50000 yuan or less.

       3, in the scenic area disobedience to management, brewing trouble, littering and urinating and defecating, pollution and obstruction of natural landscape, in addition to ordering them to stop drinking and pick back the rubbish, can be fined more than 50 yuan, less than 1,000 yuan.

       4、Vehicles that enter the scenic spots without leaving the specified routes shall be ordered to stop driving and may be fined more than 1,000 yuan and less than 5,000 yuan.

       Article 14 all revenues in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state management, earmarked, mainly for the protection of scenic spots, the development of the construction and other undertakings.

       Article 15 These Measures shall be interpreted by the Office of the Municipal Tourism Development Zone Management Committee.

       Article 16 These measures shall be implemented from the date of promulgation.

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