
Conservation Area Delineation

author:小编 Time:2019-07-12 01:10

According to the types and distribution characteristics of geological heritage resources, Dunhuang Geopark is composed of two geological heritage scenic areas: the Yardang Scenic Area and Mount Mingshashan-Cresent Moon-shaped Spring Geo-area, and two tourist scenic areas: the Natural Landscapes Tourist Scenic Area and Cultural Ruins Tourist Scenic Area with an total area of 2,067.2 km2. The two geological heritage scenic areas are classified into Special Class, Class-I, Class-II and Class-III Conservation Areas (as shown in Table 3-2).

I. Yardang Scenic Area

1. Class-I Conservation Area

Covering an area of 4.22 km², it mainly refers to the centralized development area of Yardang landforms—“West Sea Fleet” and is also the core scenic area of the geopark for geo-science popularization and sightseeing. The main emphasis is to protect the comparatively complete and densely developed Yardang landforms and ensure its integrity and originality by preventing them from being destroyed.

2.Class-II Conservation Area

It refers to the north area of the scenic area excluding the Yardang monadnock area, which covers an area of 35.58 km². It is a typical geological heritage distribution area where has different development stages of Yardang landform. As it is the key tourist area, it is significantly impacted by human activities. Thus, it is ensured that geological heritages in this conservation area should be protected from being destroyed by people. Facilities or buildings that not harmonize with the surrounding landscape or destroyed the landscape shall not be added.

3. Class-III Conservation Area

It refers to the other Yardang monadnock area within Yardang scenic area and its surrounding gobi areas, which covers an area of 70.10 km². It is an area except for the core area and class-I conservation area where the distribution of Yardang landform and sand dunes are relatively concentrated. As it is less impacted by human activities, a few public service facilities can be built but should harmonize with the surrounding landscape.

II. Mount Mingshashan and Crescent Moon-shaped Spring Geo-area

1. Special Class Conservation Area

It refers to the Cresent Lake in the scenic area, which covers an area of 0.016 km² . As the core landscape in the scenic area, it must be protected strictly, especially the protection of water.

2. Class-II Conservation Area

It refers to the most area of Luojiatang, Beizitang, Yangjiatang sand dunes except the area with man-made buildings and covers an area of 9.56 km². As the major area for sightseeing, it is greatly impacted by human activities. Thus, it should focus on calling tourists to care for the environment and keep clean.

3. Class-III Conservation Area

It refers to the middle shallow hill area and gobi area except the above mentioned areas within this provincial park. Thought it is less impacted by human activities, it should be given certain attention as a geological heritage distribution area of the scenic area. Tourism service facilities can be built moderately by controlling its scale and making them harmonize with the surrounding landscape. More greenbelts can be built and measures should be taken to regulate soil and water, break wind and fix sands.

4. Special Geological heritage Conservation Site

Located at the east boundary of Mount Mingshashan, Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is known as the most valuable cultural discovery in the world. The caves are carved on the quaternary middle pleistocene series Jiuquan group conglomerate layer, which perfectly embodied the combination of geology and humanities. No facilities construction is allowed in this area. By limiting the number of tourists entering the cave and monitoring the temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide content of the caves in real-time, the geological heritages and the valuable historical and cultural heritage can be protected.


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