- Feather-like Dunes2022-07-13
Feather-like Dunes derive their name from their resemblance to feathers. They are an exclusive sand ridge formation found solely in the Yardang Geoarea in Dunhuang and the adjacent Kumtag Desert, whic...
MORE+ - What is a Gobi Landform?2022-07-13
In Mongolian, Gobi refers to a gravel desert where vegetation is scarce. These deserts are often formed through wind erosion and are typically found in arid basins or at the edges of valleys. Due to t...
MORE+ - Mineral Pigments and Colors of the Mogao Grottoes Murals2022-07-13
The murals in Mogao Grottoes have existed for more than one thousand years, yet their colors remain still bright and gorgeous. Geologically, the secret behind this magic lies in the fact that most of ...
MORE+ - What is a Geological Age? 2022-07-13
The term "Pleistocene Series" in "Middle Pleistocene Series Jiuquan Formation" denotes chronostratigraphy, and the Pleistocene it corresponds to is what geologists call the geologi...
MORE+ - The Three Main Types of Rock on the Earth2022-07-13
The Earth boasts a diverse array of rocks, which can be categorized according to their origin into three main types: magmatic rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks.Magmatic RocksMagmatic roc...