
Yardang Geoarea

author:小编 Time:2023-07-06 18:12

Yardang is located in the western part of the Geopark, 160 kilometers away from Dunhuang City. Yardang Landform is a typical landform under the extremely arid climate, mainly formed by wind and water erosion on the Quaternary sediments during the past 100,000 years. The major landscapes include mound-shaped, wall-shaped, tower-shaped and columnar Yardang landforms, which are very lifelike and have become the real ghost city in western China, associated with the vast Gobi and desert.

With extensive and continuous distribution, the Yardang landform has various shapes, indicating different development stages. Yardang is an ideal place for studying Yardang landform formation and evolution, popularizing geoscience knowledge, relaxation, expedition and tourism.


Guide Map of Yardang Geoarea

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