
Mogao Grottoes

author:小编 Time:2023-07-06 18:31

Excavated since 1,600 years ago (366), Mogao Grottoes consists of 735 caves in the cliff wall of about 1,600 meters long, where there are murals of 45,000 square meters painted in different dynasties, more than 2,400 painted sculptures and other collections over 50,000, such as manuscripts, silk paintings, paper paintings, embroideries and so on. The Mogao Grottoes were inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1987.

The Mogao Grottoes, which excavated in the sandy gravel beds formed 700,000 years ago, while the fadeless dyestuff used in murals was mostly derived from natural minerals. This make the Mogao Grottoes a perfect blend of geosciences and human treasure. The Dunhuangology originated at this location and the grottoes themselves serve as an art palace of ancient buildings, sculptures and murals, boasting immeasurable historical, cultural and scientific significance.


Guide Map of Mogao Grottoes

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