
Management Organization of Geopark

author:小编 Time:2023-07-06 18:38

         The management organization of Dunhuang Geopark is named Administration of Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark”, which is affiliated with Dunhuang municipal government. It is responsible for the centralized management of the planning, development and protection of the Geopark, as well as for the coordination work of each scenic area and sightseeing area.

management office is set up in each scenic area and sightseeing area. The management office is a subsidiary of the Geopark and should be responsible for the detailed planning, development, protection and management of scenic areas and sightseeing areas under the leadership of the park administration.

The management organization of Dunhuang Geopark adopts hierarchical management system with unified arrangement which means that each management organization has a clear division of power and responsibility and the lower level management organization shall obey the leadership of the higher management organization. According to different functions, the staff of management organization can be classified into three types: management staff, technical staff and consultant. The management staff refers to the members of leading group which is responsible for the unified management, coordination, planning of Geopark as well as making management and protection measures. Technical staff consists of talents from various professions such as physical geography, geology, environmental engineering, administration management, economic management, botany, zoology, planning and design, scenic area and garden management, financial accounting, tourism management and forestry. They are mainly responsible for specialized planning, management, protection and the formulation and implementation of policies. Consultant refers to the experts of related colleges and universities and scientific research departments. They are mainly responsible to provide strategic and operational guidance for the construction and development of the park.

Currently scenic area management office has been set up in two geoheritage scenic areas in the park. Their detailed functions are as follows:

I.  Management office of Dunhuang Yardang Landform Scenic Area

The management office of Dunhuang Yardang National Geopark is responsible for the protection, development and management of the geology and landforms of Yardang scenic area. It shall establish sound management system, geoheritage protection system, tourist management system, and financial regulations. It is responsible for the implementation of personnel and funds, as well as the construction of the team of tourist guides and management staff. And it shall enhance infrastructure construction and increase the effort of protection and development to initially form basic framework of protection for geoheritage and the management and operation of Geopark.

The functional departments of management office are set as follows:

1. The management office has one office, two stations and four sections.

“One Office” means the office (including supervision office, create office, logistic department and reception department).

“Two Stations” refers to: geoheritage protection station and security station (law enforcement detachment).

“Four Sections” refers to: financial plan section (includes ticket windows), planning and construction section, operation and management section, marketing publicity and training section.

2. Scenic area has three stations.

“Three Stations” refers to: Yardang Longcheng management station (includes ticket exit), fleet sailing management station (includes black desert scenic area), Sanlongsha management station (the Southern District).

II.   Mount Mingshashan Crescent Moon-shaped Spring Management Office

        Mount Mingshashan Crescent Spring Management Office in Dunhuang City is directly led by the municipal government. The management office has 10 departments including office, reception department, sanitation section, green station, infrastructure section, ticket counter, ticket window, complaint department, resources protection office, and police station. It has a total of 49 staff including 27 institution personnel and 22 personnel from service company. And it has about 300 service staff in total. In addition to the existing service staff of tourism service facility, 224 service staff are villagers engaged in tourism. 

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