
Popular science study activities at Dunhuang Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark

author:小编 Time:2023-03-24 23:53

On March 23, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark welcomed the first study group of 100 students this year. More than 200 high school students from Jiuquan City, led by study instructors, carried out study activities based on experiencing interactive projects at the Geopark Museum, listening to study lectures and participating in field studies. In this activity, the students who participated in the study were enthusiastic and well-received, and they reflected that they had mastered both the controlling factors of the Yardang landform, understood the formation process and protection methods of the Yardang landform, fully felt the unique magical charm of nature, and also better broadened their horizons.

It is understood that since the implementation of Dunhuang City's winter and spring preferential policies, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark has given full play to its own advantages, through a series of enhancements such as increasing training for study instructors, setting up study courses suitable for different age groups, and improving the study process, the park's study activities have become very popular.






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