
Emergency rescue training at Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring

author:小编 Time:2022-04-29 17:12

In order to widely popularize emergency rescue knowledge and skills, and further enhance the first aid ability of Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring and the medical rescue ability of tourists in case of sudden accidental injury, on April 27, Dunhuang Red Cross Society 2022 first class of ambulancemen training course started in the Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring, with a total of 30 students attending the training.


This ambulance training adopts the way of "online theoretical learning + offline practical operation", through video image data display, on-site explanation of basic knowledge of ambulance, emergency ambulance classic case analysis, etc., comprehensive explanation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation knowledge and trauma rescue, wound dressing, casualty handling, etc., and on-site demonstration operation. The training teacher guided the trainees to perform CPR, artificial respiration and chest compressions on the simulated "casualty", so that they could master the rescue knowledge.


After the training, the teacher assessed the theoretical knowledge and practical operation of all participants, and those who passed the assessment will be issued Jiuquan Red Cross ambulanceman certificates.


Through this ambulance training, further enhance the geoarea staff "platinum ten minutes" first aid knowledge and emergency self-help ability, to achieve the effect that everyone dares to save, everyone will save in front of the emergency, to escort the tourists to visit the geoarea with confidence.

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