
Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark Earth Day Series

author:小编 Time:2022-04-26 17:18

On April 22, in order to guide the public to pay attention to climate change and care for the earth's home, and to give full play to the geopark's function of science popularization and education, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark held an interactive activity of mutual exhibition of friendly sister parks in the Danghe River style line.


The geopark with its rich geo-knowledge attracted a large number of citizens. The staff explained the wonders, features, beauty of each geopark by distributing promotional materials, allowing the general public to enjoy the beauty of our country's mountains and rivers. Meanwhile, the Yardang geoarea of Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark actively participated in the UNESCO Global Geopark Cloud Tour Exhibition, showing the geological beauty of Yardang to geoparks all over the world by means of live broadcast.


It is understood that this activity is one of the Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark Earth Day series of activities. In addition, the Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark united with Yandangshan, Danxiashan and other 22 UNESCO Global geoparks to carry out science video show, online live science lecture, online science knowledge quiz, science lecture into the campus into the geopark, online sister geopark special products exhibition and sale, online and offline sister geopark photography exhibition and photography competition. Through this event, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark hopes to further increase the publicity of Dunhuang's geological resources, enhance the public's attention to the earth, ecology and environmental protection, and inspire the public to love the earth and protect the environment.


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