
Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark got “green card”for first revaluation

author:小编 Time:2020-04-03 11:25

Recently, UNESCO announced that the result of the re-evaluation of Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark was “green card”, and the UNESCO Global Geopark title was renewed for four years. It is reported that from June to August 2019, the UNESCO Global Geopark Secretariat organised experts to conduct field visits to the construction of four UNESCO Global geoparks, namely Tianzhushan, Taining, Zhijin Cave and Dunhuang. This time, a total of 4 UNESCO Global geoparks in the country were reassessed, and all passed. At the same time, the UNESCO Global Geoparks Council put forward relevant comments and suggestions on the construction of Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark, laying a good foundation for the construction of Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark during the next assessment period.


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