
​Assessment of Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark in China and Scientific Research Program for Science Popularization

author:小编 Time:2022-07-15 11:25

The declaration of China Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark has been initiated since 2013. Based on Gansu Dunhuang Yadan National Geopark and Mingsha Mountain Yueya Spring Provincial Geopark, the declaration work comprehensively examined the geological relics, natural and humanistic landscapes, infrastructure construction and road transportation within the city area, and completed the preparation of the declaration materials according to the requirements at the end of 2013. In January 2014, China Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark passed the recommendation of the experts of the Ministry of Land and Resources, and is scheduled to receive on-site evaluation in July 2015 by UNESCO experts. This project is a multi-faceted preparatory work for the comprehensive and high-quality on-site inspection by UNESCO evaluation experts after Dunhuang World Geopark passed the domestic recommendation assessment.


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