
Southern Marginal Fault of the Yardang Geoarea

author:Administration of Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark Time:2019-03-23 18:23

Located in the southwestern edge of the Yardang geoarea, the fault belongs to the tectonic compression category (figure 4-1316). The strike of the fault is west and east while the inclination direction is northwest. The broken zone is about 3.5 m wide, and the occurrence is 350°70°. Rupture in the surface is evident, forming a 5 m high fault scarp, on which there are fault surface breccia and fault gouge. The fault surface breccia is yellow and well cemented. The debris is in angular and sub-rounded shape, with their size uneven.


Figure 4-16 the fault in the south edge of the Yardang geoarea

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