
Yardang Service Center receives commendation from State Forestry and Grassland Administration

author:小编 Time:2023-02-10 00:15

On February 9, Dunhuang Yardang Service Center received a document from the Seedling Division of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration. The Yardang Service Center completed the 2022 annual Gansu Dunhuang Yardang National Geopark data submission for each month, each key holiday and the annual visitor volume on time and with high quality, providing strong support for the statistical analysis of ecotourism visitor volume for the national forestry and grassland system, and won the State Forestry and Grassland Administration The Department of State Forestry and Grassland Bureau informed the commendation.


It is understood that the national forestry and grassland system to determine a total of 509 ecotourism visitor data collection sample units, the nine provinces involved in this briefing praise a total of 101 ecotourism visitor data collection sample units were commended. Gansu Province was commended for two sample units, Gansu Dunhuang Yardan National Geopark in the first place.
Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark, commonly known as Dunhuang Yardang Devil City. It is an important part of the Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark in China. It is also one of the three most beautiful Yardang in China. The Dunhuang Yardang landform is the largest, most maturely developed geological form and the most ornamental Yardang landform community found in the world so far.

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