
Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark Participates in the Sixth Education Expo Display

author:小编 Time:2022-04-25 17:25

In order to strengthen the communication and exchange of nature education in various regions, to promote cross-border cooperation and mutual assistance in nature education, and to discuss in depth the practical experience and research results of nature education at home and abroad, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark sent members to participate in the Sixth China Education Innovation and Public Welfare Expo ("Education Expo") hosted by Beijing Normal University and other units. "The development subcommittee of the scenic nature education project.


In the meeting, eight UNESCO global geoparks from all over China made reports on the development of nature education in their geoparks in turn. Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark made full use of this platform to showcase the splendid history and culture of Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark as well as its unique geosites, and to make a presentation on the nature education achievements of the Yardang geoarea.


It is understood that the conference attracted more than a thousand viewers across the country. By participating in this event, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark not only demonstrated Dunhuang's style, but also learned a lot about the exploration of the curriculum of nature education in geoparks. A solid foundation was laid for the development of nature education in the geopark!

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