
Ladies' Day in Yardang

author:小编 Time:2022-03-08 17:33

In the advent of March 8 Ladies' Day, in order to let the majority of female compatriots spend a pleasant and unforgettable holiday, March 7, Dunhuang Cultural Tourism Group planning to organize the "ancient and modern female charm - charming Yardang line" theme activities, invited the Dunhuang Photographers Association, Artists Association, as well as the cultural tourism industry female staff representatives to participate.


On the morning of the 7th, more than 150 female workers gathered at the Dunhuang Yardang National Geopark. The participants added a beautiful scenery to the Yardang geoarea through flash mob costume show, paper kite release, hiking and star party. Finally, under the colorful fireworks in the sky, everyone sang and danced around the bonfire and successfully concluded the "Goddess Day" activities.


Through this activity, it not only comprehensively displayed the self-confidence and self-sufficiency of the group and the majority of female workers of each company as the new female spirit of the times, but also showed the new style of hard-working, brave, united, courageous and upward-looking people of cultural tourism, and blossomed into a bright fragrance worthy of the times. At the same time, it also enhances the popularity and reputation of Yardang geoarea.



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