
Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark holds learning activities

author:小编 Time:2022-03-06 17:44

On March 5, learn the Lei Feng volunteer service theme activities in the municipal square was holed in Dunhuang. More than 20 volunteer teams from the city to participate in the activities, for the public, tourists to issue publicity materials, volunteer activities.



In the activity, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark volunteers for the general public, tourists issued Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark publicity materials, popularize the knowledge of the UNESCO Global Geopark, explain the geological sites protection measures. At the same time, the volunteers of each scenic spot distribute promotional materials for tourists in the scenic spot to strengthen their awareness of the protection of geosites.



Through this activity, the public's recognition of the UNESCO Global Geopark was further enhanced and their understanding of their hometown's geosites deepened. Next, Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark will continue to carry out in-depth volunteer activities and be a good propagandist and promoter of the UNESCO Global Geopark!


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